A Thank You from the Prime Minister
The local MP for Weybridge and Runnymede, Dr Ben Spencer joined us at First Steps Surrey Child Contact Centre at the end of February, to meet the team and take a look around!
This was a fantastic morning, and it was a pleasure to meet Dr Ben Spencer, spend some time with him, and explain what happens in a Child Contact Centre and the service we provide to the community.
Shortly after this, we received a formal invitation to a function, organised by Dr Ben Spencer at a local community café; Revive, in Chertsey High Street.
The invite explained that as one of our ‘our fantastic community representatives’, we would be joined by a ‘senior UK Government cabinet member’ and ‘many of our great community champions’. We had been invited to a thank you event!
We of course were ridiculously excited, and at this point, had no idea what it was all about. On turning up, we were presented with an access pass, checked in and made comfortable with brownies and milkshakes.
Shortly afterwards, security entered the café, a mysterious looking car pulled up on the pavements outside, and out gets Prime Minister Rishi Sunak!
We were absolutely amazed, and had a lovely morning meeting Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and many other incredible local community champions.
What a morning! But it wasn’t long before we headed back to the Centre for our next Contact Session, there is important work to do, afterall 🙂